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It takes a whole nation to cultivate a culture of responsibility for the things that drive our nation building process. Thanks for your interest in our work and also for showing your willingness to support educational change in Liberia. You can also be a part of our story in any of the following ways: 
Join our team of mentors to work with our partner schools and their students to improve their schools with new projects every year. Our mentorship program provides you the opportunity to engage, learn, and participate in an entrepreneurial program that is driven by creativity and action. 
Partner with us today and share in our common goal of improving education for everyone throughout Liberia. 
We are committed to a cause so demanding but rewarding to everyone. Educational change affects every sector of our society and promotes socioeconomic development. Our resources are limited to achieve our goals and ask that you support us in ways that can enable us further our mission.
Our organization runs on the voluntary effors of young people who are sternly driven to see better education provided to the future of Liberia. Each of us are students dedicating most of our extra time to a cause more than ourselves. Join us today and lets rebuild Liberia together. 
Send us your name, phone number and email address via: 
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